Your Shopping Assistant
DESIGN 11 | Winter 2024
Designed an app to assist shoppers with buying & sizing clothes online.
Users input their body measurements and receive guidance on the sizing of the items they wish to purchase.
SOFTWARE: Figma (prototype + wireframe)
Procreate (concept drawing, assets, video illustrations)
Adobe Premiere Rush (video editing)
TIMELINE: 2 weeks
How it Works
To start, input your measurements to generate an avatar with your proportions.
This is where your clothing items are saved. You can upload items you already own, as well as items you want to purchase.
This page displays your avatar, which you can dress with items saved in your closet. Based on your measurements, Perf(Fit) will display your items as proportional to the avatar.
This is where you can search for new items to purchase.
This page displays ratings from other customers + image reviews showing how the same item fits on different people.
If you like an item, you can save it to your closet for later reference. Perf(Fit) saves the price, size, & measurements of each item in your closet.
Pick a size and see how it looks on your avatar, or compare this item to another item already in your closet.
I. Needfinding
Identifying the problem space
Problem (the “Bug”)
Buying clothes online is hard. We often spend weeks waiting for items to arrive, only for them to fit awkwardly when we finally try them on.
In the end, online shoppers are forced to either settle with these ill-fitting clothes or expend time and energy to re-package and return them.
User Needs
Sizing between brands is often inconsistent.
Because online shoppers aren’t able to try on the clothes they’re buying, it’s difficult for them to visualize how these items will look on their body.
Online stores offer a wider variety of clothing options, but it can be hard to discern which products are actually worth the money.
How might we design an app that helps streamline the process of shopping for clothing online, specifically by making it easier to buy clothes that are the correct size every time?
43.7% of fashion retail sales worldwide are e-commerce transactions, for a total global revenue of $781.5 billion.
The primary reason consumers return clothing they purchased online is that it didn’t fit properly at 38%. 15% return clothes because the items did not suit them.
Identifying “Bugs”
To start, I generated a list of 50 “bugs” (design flaws) that my friends, family, and I frequently encounter in daily life.
I ultimately settled on Bug #24:
Clothing sizes are inconsistent across brands, which makes online shopping difficult.
II. Ideation
Brainstorming possible solutions
i. Storyboarding
ii. Concept Drawing
III. Rapid Prototyping
i. Wireframing
Initial iteration focused mainly on collecting measurments and providing basic guidance on sizing.
ii. Adding Elements
Second iteration includes more features tailored towards expediting the shopping experience.